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Evolution of Reproductive Strategies

Tamás Székely

Tamás Székely is an Honorary Professor at Debrecen University, Hungary, and a Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Bath, United Kingdom. He has served as a visiting professor at various universities, including Harvard, Sun Yat-sen, Groningen, and Göttingen, and Bielefeld. Tamás’ passion lies in unraveling the evolutionary mysteries of mating systems and reproductive strategies in vertebrates, driven by a deep curiosity to comprehend the origins of male and female reproductive behaviors. Furthermore, his unwavering commitment to conservation is exemplified through his founding and dedicated leadership of the Maio Biodiversity Foundation in West Africa, showcasing his profound motivation to protect and preserve biodiversity.

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‘We discovered that to preserve Indian breeding waterbirds, prioritizing the protection of Mangalajodi Wetland and Ujjani Reservoir is crucial.’

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